Idaho Timeshare Cancellation Laws

Want to cancel a timeshare contract in Idaho? You’re in luck. Experts at Timeshare Compliance have done the research. We are intimately familiar with laws that Idaho lawmakers passed to protect people who’ve been victimized by deceptive sales practices. Timeshare developers are notorious for using high-pressure tactics to manipulate into signing timeshare contracts. Fortunately, Idaho laws protect consumers, and experts at Timeshare Compliance stand ready to restore justice by canceling your timeshare contract in Idaho.


Timeshare Cancellation Laws in Idaho


In Idaho, laws make fraud and misrepresentation a of timeshare contracts a crime. It is illegal for a timeshare seller to do any of the following:


  • Knowingly make any materially false statement or representation in any document pertaining to the timeshare sale (or omit any material statement or fact in any such document)
  • Employ any device, scheme, or artifice to defraud
  • Make any untrue statement of a material fact (or omit to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements not misleading,) or
  • Engage in any act, practice, or course of business that operates or would operate as a fraud or deception upon purchasers or the public.


Timeshare Fraud in Idaho


Despite those laws, Timeshare Compliance routinely fields complaints from victims who purchased timeshares in Idaho. They seek our team’s assistance to cancel their timeshare contracts. Idaho legislators wanted timeshare developers to stop those types of misrepresentations and predatory behaviors that caused so many people to sign contracts under false pretenses.


At Timeshare Compliance, our attorneys cancel those contracts.


If you want to cancel a timeshare contract in Idaho, call 1-800-705-6856 to speak with a specialist at Timeshare Compliance. We know how to cancel timeshare contracts and restore justice for our clients. One of our specialists will work with you to gather all of the appropriate information. Then, one of our senior analysts will review your file to begin the process.

How to cancel my timeshare in Idaho


Developer misrepresentation is not uncommon.  We can help timeshare owners resolve their timeshare contracts if they legitimately feel as though they were taken advantage of by their developer for any of the following reasons:

Developer Misrepresentation
Rising Maintenance Fees
High-Pressure Sales Tactics
Can’t Find Any Available Dates


Call now to schedule a consultation or simply fill out the form and a timeshare resolution specialist will analyze your situation and guide you through our exit process.

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    Exit your timeshare: 855-947-5064